The Use of Umbrellas in Photography: Understanding the Different Types of Umbrellas and Their Benefits

photography umbrellas

As a photographer, one of the most important aspects of capturing a great shot is lighting. Without proper lighting, even the most beautiful subject can appear dull and uninteresting. This is where umbrellas come in – they are a powerful tool for controlling and manipulating light in photography. In this article, we will explore the use of umbrellas in photography, including the different types of umbrellas available and their benefits.

How Does a Photography Umbrella Work?

A photography umbrella is an essential tool used in studio lighting setups to modify and control the quality of light. The umbrella works by diffusing and softening the harsh light emitted by a flash or studio light source. The umbrella consists of a reflective inner surface and a translucent or reflective outer layer. When the light source is directed into the umbrella, the inner reflective surface bounces the light back towards the translucent layer, which further scatters the light and creates a more even and diffused illumination. This diffused light helps to reduce shadows, minimize harsh highlights, and produce a softer, more flattering light for photography subjects. The angle and distance of the umbrella from the subject can also be adjusted to achieve different lighting effects, making it a versatile tool for photographers.

Reflective Umbrella: Redirecting Light

One type of umbrella commonly used in photography is the reflective umbrella. This umbrella is made of reflective material that helps redirect light in a particular direction. When used with a light source, it bounces the light off the umbrella and onto the subject.

Reflective umbrellas are typically used to provide more focused and directional light, making them ideal for portrait and product photography.

reflective umbrella

Shoot-Through Umbrella: Softening the Light

shoot through umbrella

Another type of umbrella that photographers use is the shoot-through umbrella. Unlike the reflective umbrella, the shoot-through umbrella is made of translucent material that allows light to pass through it. 

This type of umbrella is great for softening the light and creating a diffused effect. This is particularly useful for portrait photography, as it can help create a softer, more natural look.

Types of Photography Umbrellas: Choosing the Right One for Your Needs

When it comes to photography umbrellas, there are different types available, each with its own benefits. Here are some of the most common types of photography umbrellas and their uses:

White Umbrella

One of the most versatile types of photography umbrellas is the white umbrella. This umbrella is typically made of white, reflective material that can help diffuse the light and create a soft, even spread of light. 

White umbrellas are commonly used in portrait, product, and fashion photography.

white umbrella

Deep Umbrellas

Deep umbrellas are designed to help focus and direct the light, making them ideal for portrait and product photography. They are typically made of black or silver reflective material that can help provide a more focused and directional light.

Large Umbrella

If you need to light up a larger space, a large umbrella may be the best choice. These umbrellas are typically much larger than standard photography umbrellas and can help spread the light over a larger area. They are commonly used in group portrait photography, as well as for shooting larger products.

Umbrella Mounted

mounted umbrella

Umbrella-mounted lights are also known for their versatility and the quality of light they provide. They are often used as a primary light source to create soft and even lighting, and can also be used as a fill light to help balance the exposure in a scene.

Umbrella-mounted lights are available in different sizes, shapes, and materials, which can affect the quality and direction of the light. Some umbrella-mounted lights also come with a removable black cover, which can be used to control the spread of light and create more contrast in a scene.

Additionally, umbrella-mounted lights can be used in combination with other lighting modifiers, such as reflectors or diffusers, to further shape and control the light.

Using an Umbrella for Lighting: Tips and Tricks

Now that you know the different types of umbrellas available, here are some tips and tricks to help you use them effectively:

Distance Between the Umbrella and the Subject

The distance between the umbrella and the subject can have a big impact on the quality of the light. If the umbrella is too close, the light may be too harsh and create unflattering shadows. If the umbrella is too far away, the light may be too diffused and create a flat look. As a general rule, keep the umbrella about 2 to 3 feet away from the subject.

Spread the Light Evenly

When using an umbrella for lighting, it’s important to spread the light evenly across the subject. This can be achieved by positioning the umbrella at the correct angle and distance from the subject. If you’re using a reflective umbrella, make sure to position it so that the light bounces off it and onto the subject.

Umbrellas Also Serve as Light Stands

Another great benefit of using umbrellas for lighting is that they can also serve as light stands. This means that you can attach your light source to the umbrella mount and use it to position the light in the desired location. This is particularly useful when you don’t have a separate light stand available.

Fashion Photography and Umbrella Lighting: Creating the Perfect Shot

Fashion photography is all about creating the perfect shot, and lighting is a key element in achieving this. Umbrella lighting is a popular choice among fashion photographers because it can help create a soft, diffused light that flatters the subject. When using an umbrella for fashion photography, it’s important to consider the size and type of umbrella, as well as the position and distance from the subject.

Large umbrellas are a great choice for fashion photography because they can help spread the light over a larger area, creating a softer and more even look. Shoot-through umbrellas are also a popular choice because they can create a soft, diffused light that is perfect for capturing the details of clothing and accessories.

Large umbrellas are a great choice for fashion photography because they can help spread the light over a larger area, creating a softer and more even look. Shoot-through umbrellas are also a popular choice because they can create a soft, diffused light that is perfect for capturing the details of clothing and accessories.

When positioning the umbrella, it’s important to consider the angle and distance from the subject. If the umbrella is too close, it can create harsh shadows and highlights. If it’s too far away, the light may be too diffused and create a flat look. As a general rule, keep the umbrella about 45 degrees above the subject and at a distance of about 2 to 3 feet away.


Umbrellas offer photographers a great way to control and shape light to create the desired look in their photos. Reflective umbrellas provide a way to bounce light back towards the subject, which can help to create soft, even lighting that reduces harsh shadows. Shoot-through umbrellas, on the other hand, allow light to pass through the umbrella material, which softens the light and creates a more diffused effect.

When using an umbrella, it’s important to consider the distance from the subject, the angle of the umbrella, and the power of the light source. These factors will impact the intensity and direction of the light and can have a significant impact on the final result of your photos.

Overall, umbrellas are a powerful tool that can help photographers to create stunning and professional-looking shots. Whether you’re just starting out in photography or are a seasoned pro, umbrellas are an essential accessory that can help to take your photos to the next level. So next time you’re setting up a shoot, consider using an umbrella to enhance the lighting and create the perfect look for your subject.

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I am Evonne Pan, the founder and owner of Ardeco Umbrellas here on I have an expert knowledge with everything to do with umbrellas and I have been running the factory here in China for the last 10 years.

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